22. feb. 2011

I am so happy today + meet Simone

The weather sucks, and it is freezing.
BUT I am really really really happy today. Don't have any specific reason. I guess... My life is pretty much perfect. The greatest friends, a lovely family, a closet full of clothes, and I am actually enjoying that I am single for the first time in almost 2 years, the relationships been good, but now its just me and what I want, at least for at good amount of time! All that makes me happy and grateful.

I dont think that I have introduced you all to my favorite person in the world - Simone! :)

We have known each other since we were really young. We have been dancing together for like, eeehh, 8 years. We can tell each other everything! Sometime soon we are going to be roommates, and have the coolest apartment, thats for sure! I love her very much, she's the coolest.

Song of the day: Blazin - Nicki Minaj
Quote of the day: I would be stinking rich if I had a dollar for every time you lied when you said that you loved me.

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