31. mar. 2011

Polish for tomorrow night

I like this color from Chanel very much! I did my nails today, because then I don't have to think about it tomorrow. Tomorrow night there is a ''friend party'' at RG, and you can bring one of your friends that doesn't go to RG. I am bringing Simone. I am so stoked for it! You will probably have a little post from me tomorrow, and then you will get my party outfit on Saturday :)

Delicate and feminine blouse

Todays outfit: Shirt from Mango, high-waisted jeans from Monki, rings from Six, leather jacket is vintage.
I love this shirt that I bought in Germany, to me it is very feminine and kind of a fragile piece of clothes. It has it's own special look, atleast I like to think so.

Song of the day: Imagine - John Lennon
Quote of the day: Being cool, is not trying to be cool.

Raw like Alison Mosshart

30. mar. 2011


Just a little video from my dance school. That is the kind of dance that I practice. Hope you like it!

Today I have been in school from 8-4, then I went to dance class. I basically just got home. So it's been a pretty long and exhausting day.

Song of the day: Summer Love - Justin Timberlake
Quote of the day: Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisha', mad cause I'm cuter than the girl that's with ya.

29. mar. 2011

So many plans!

Todays outfit: Sorry, I didn't get a full and good outfit picture of me today. The shirt with the eyes is from Weekday, the cardigan is the one I bought yesterday from H&M.

School from 10-2, and then I went straight home to my friend Louise's place, we hung out all afternoon. After dinner all I have been doing is english homework and assignment. I have also been looking in the new April issue of Cover, trying to get some inspiration. Like I said yesterday, this week is going to be a busy one. So I am sorry if my posts are not very inspiring, I am trying! Hihi. Have a great Tuesday night!

Song of the day: Today My Life Begins - Bruno Mars
Quote of the day: No matter how much we talk, you will always be something special to me.

28. mar. 2011

The start of a busy week

Todays outfit: Jeggins from H&M, knit is vintage, necklace from Pieces, and ring from H&M.

After school I went to H&M with two of my friends and bought this simple long black cardigan. I have been needing one for a very long time now. It is a good basic piece of clothes to have, I only paid 200DKK. 
This night I have been hanging out with Tanja, it was good to see her again.

Song of the day: Animal - Neon Trees
Quote of the day: Don't know what I did to earn a love like this, but baby I must be doing something right. 

27. mar. 2011

Lily Aldrige

Last night with the girls

Last nights outfit: Top from Monki, bra from H&M, shorts from Monki, and shoes from Marco Tozzi.

Last night we warmed up at Cille's place, then we went to this place Out of Juice and got these delicious love-tails. Last we went to Rosie McGee's and danced a lot. I had a lot of fun with the girls!

Song of the day: Who's That Chick - David Guetta
Quote of the day: Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you.

26. mar. 2011

Italian dinner in drapes

Yesterday night was really great. Omar and I went to this Italian restaurant called La Sabbia, which is placed in Skodsborg. From the restaurant you could see all the lights from Sweden far out in the ocean. It was really pretty. And the food, yuuuuuuuuuuum! 
Today I am going to relax and be with Simone most of the day, and then tonight we are going to the city to celebrate my friend Cille turning 18, on different bars and discos. We are going to be a group of girls, and I know them all, cause we usually go to the city in the weekends together and party. It should be a really great night!
You guys will get the outfit picture tomorrow! :)
Have a great Saturday girls!

Vodka Gimlet for Saturday night

Vodka Gimlet:
4 cl vodka
3 cl limecordial
A little bit of sugar (can be made without sugar too) Tip: you can use sucker sirup if you don't like to taste the pieces of sugar in your drink.

In a martini glass: Shake all the ingredients together with ice in a sew, and then you just put it all in the glass. Decorate with a piece of lime.
In a old-fashioned (then it is called Gimlet on the Rocks): Fill up the glass with ice, and shake like before all the ingredients together with ice in a sew, and then put it all in the glass with the ice in.

25. mar. 2011

Red lips

Today school doesn't start until 12 o'clock. I woke up pretty early though, and I drove to the doctor to get some papers filled out. I have been getting so much practical stuff done lately. I newly found out how much money I will get April 1st from the Government, and then afterwards every month, aaaaand, thats a pretty good amount of money, well I think so, but I also have a lot of costs during the month. It is going to be good not being so poor as I am right now. Haha. But oh well, I have school until 4 PM, and then I am going straight home to get ready, because I am going out for Italian with my friend Omar tonight, afterwards we are going to watch some movies, so it should be a good night. Tomorrow you will get the outfit that I am going to wear tonight. I hope that you guys will have a great friday!

Song of the day: Cream - Prince
Quote of the day: I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi, or even smile because I know, even if it's just for a second, I crossed your mind.

24. mar. 2011

R.I.P Elizabeth Taylor

Song of the day: The Power of Love - Celine Dion
Quote of the day: Remember, today is tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

Essie nailpolish

I don't really wear nailpolish, I simply forget to keep my nails pretty and newly polished. But if I have to wear something I would highly recommend Essie, they have beautiful colors, and they are long lasting. Essie might be a little expensive, I think about 120 DKK a piece, but I think it is worth it. I so far only have this one, but I am thinking about investing in more. They have them in Matas in Rødovre Centrum, that's where I bought this one.

23. mar. 2011

Simple with a twist

Todays outfit: Blazer from H&M, top from BikBok, jeans from Vanilla Star, and ring from H&M.

Song of the day: Kid Sister - Pro Nails
Quote of the day: A person who never makes mistakes never makes anything.

22. mar. 2011

I love asos.com

As always, I was looking around on asos.com. I found these amazing pieces of clothing, something like this is probably going to be my next buy.

Bring out the sunglasses!

As you see on the first picture, I have a lot of sunglasses. I wasn't gonna a have a picture of everyone of them. I have chosen to show you those that I actually wear sometimes. The first one is from Ray Ban, and I bought them in America for like $130, I think. I LOVE MY RAY BAN'S. The two next ones are very good cheap ones from H&M that you can basically wear with any outfit. The fourth one I bought when I was in New York and the last pair I bought in an American skater store, I can't remember the name of it.

Today it was 15 celcius degrees / 60 fahrenheit degrees. That is very warm for Denmark in March. I took my bike for a ride with some good music in my ears, aaaaahhhh.

Song of the day: God Damn Your Beautiful - Chester See
Quote of the day: Nothing improves a memory more than trying to forget.

21. mar. 2011

Todays outdoor outfit

Todays outfit: Jeggins from H&M, sweater from BikBok, vest underneath is vintage, jewelry from H&M and Claire's.

Spring is here!!! Wuhuuu!!!

Song of the day: Queen - Bicycle
Quote of the day: Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night.