11. nov. 2012

Friday night's outfit

Dress - Angelica Blick for Nelly Trend / Shoes - Jeffrey Campbell

I don't think I have been this busy in a very long time. I have plans every day in this upcoming week! Friday I was at a café at school, where it started out with having a lovely dinner at Stine's house, dancing at school, and then finishing it off in the city on the Australian Bar. Oh my, it was such a good night. Yesterday I was celebrating my brother's birthday, once again, this time with my fathers family, and we went bowling and then home to have a lovely dinner. I ended up falling asleep on the couch (while we still had guests) because I was so tired from the day before... haha. Today I have been out collecting money for a good cause, so I hope karma will be good to me for awhile now ;-) Hope you had a good weekend!

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